Oh My Peach Pie!

I usually buy a case of peaches every year from a lady that we all call “The Fruit Lady”. She brings in cases of fruit from farms in Utah. They are wonderful, but unfortunately not organic.

So, when a friend of mine who belongs to a co-op told me that she could get 20# of organic peaches for $22.00. Guess what I did?

20 lbs of organic peaches

20 lbs of organic peaches

You are right! I begged, pleaded and promised my second born son in return for her to include me in that buy. Well, she did and did not want my second born son. It is a good thing, because I only have one son.

Now I have 20 lbs of peaches and only two people to eat them. I still have canned peaches from last year. So I did not want to do that again. Maybe next year.

I did what any good woman with some freezer space would do. I got out my peach pie recipe and made pies.

What does a freezer have to do with it?

First-I invited a girl friend over who had never made a homemade pie before and offered to teach her. I normally make my pie dough, but I did not want to overwhelm my friend. So we used the store bought stuff. I am not a pie snob, and the store bought stuff holds up well in the freezer. We put one layer of dough in the bottom, filled it with the filling and then put the top on. We made the slashes on the top crust, because you cannot do that to a frozen pie. Then we put it on a sheet pan and put it in the freezer to freeze over night.

The next morning I would normally take the frozen pie out of the pan and put it in a plastic bag. I would also mark the bag so that I do not end up baking a chicken pot pie instead. I hate it when that happens.

But we have plans for this pie.

My friend will come back tomorrow morning to learn how to bake a pie that is frozen solid.

Stay tuned for the next post. I will give you my peach pie filling recipe and teach you how I bake a double crusted fruit pie that is frozen solid.

Peach pie ready to go into the freezer

Peach pie ready to go into the freezer

About sharinglifesabundance

I am a backyard food producer. I grow 800 square feet of organic vegetables in the desert year round.
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2 Responses to Oh My Peach Pie!

  1. I absolutely love that you are sharing your experience with your friend. Want me to swing by for the eating lesson? I’ll bring some vanilla ice cream. Thank you for sharing on Green Thumb Thursday. I hope we see you again this week.

    • Jessica- This is one of the many ways that I “share my life’s abundance”. You are certainly welcome to come and do a taste test. It is monsoon season in the Arizona desert. So not only is it really-really hot, but it is not even a “dry heat” right now.

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