A Senator in My Garden

Yes Please!

Yes Please!

I have had  chickens in my backyard for years. It is not legal where I live, but my neighbors don’t care. They think that it  is cute.

I have a lot of friends who would love to do the same thing, but are afraid that their neighbors would not be as gracious as mine.

A friend of mine who is a senator-is organizing groups of people in different cities throughout the state of Arizona, and asked if I would like to help lead in this  battle. I quickly said yes and invited several people into my home, to see my garden and to hear what he had to say.

He suggested that we take leadership in our groups by city, gather people to go to the City Councils, and write to our district Senators and Representatives.

I jumped on board with both feet, and rallied many people in my city. I have been talking to the City Planner, and getting a group of like minded friends to go to the planning commission meetings.

Soon after that an acquaintance of mine reported my backyard chickens to the city. (Yes, it is connected to my stepping up to help.) Though I have been forced to remove my pets, I keep them off site with a friend.

I felt sorry for myself for a while, but I do not stay down long. I am back on my feet again, and heading to City Hall to see what we can do about this little bump in the road.

It is no longer just about chickens. I am a net worker at heart, and am not afraid to talk to people. I believe that we should all have the right to grow gardens, and raise a few chickens, and/or rabbits (if we want to). I know a lot of people who want to do this, but are afraid to try. I guess I just need to round them up, and take them to the city with me.

Hang on tight! If you are following, this may get pretty exciting!

About sharinglifesabundance

I am a backyard food producer. I grow 800 square feet of organic vegetables in the desert year round.
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1 Response to A Senator in My Garden

  1. Treasa Birchett says:

    Yeah Donna.

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